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This is a very simple example using the inbuilt Battery Monitor example. The javascript library used for Web Bluetooth is p5.ble.js.

Steps to Run

  1. Load the BatteryMonitor example from ArduinoBLE Library
  2. Open the Serial Monitor (it’s important, otherwise the sketch won’t progress forward to transfer data)
  3. Goto the bluetooth/web_bluetooth folder in master and open the html file in Chrome.
  4. Connect and watch the value change in the box

Web Bluetooth Real Time Accelerometer Data Plotting

For real time plotting I am using the dygraph.js library.


  1. Load the accelerometer_xyz_plotting sketch on your Nano 33 BLE
  2. Open the Serial Monitor (it’s important, otherwise the sketch won’t progress forward to transfer data)
  3. Open the index.html page in Chrome (other browsers are not supported) and connect to your Arduino Nano 33 BLE and watch the graph update.


Visit this Web Bluetooth based Real Time Plotting (after uploading the sketch and opening Serial Monitor) and follow the prompts.

  • Random Plot Random Plot

  • Data Points shift left Data Point Shift Plot

  • All data points stay No shift plot

Copyright © 2019 Shantam Raj